Monday, October 28, 2013

Blog Quizzical

1. Explain the significance of Mendel.
 He looked at how genes move through generations by breeding peas.  
2. Draw the structure of DNA and who discovered this structure. 

James D. Watson and Francis Crick proposed the structure of DNA in 1953: The Double Helix.

3. Explain each of the five examples of variations that occur to DNA and give an example of each. 
Point mutation, insertion, gene copy number, deletion, and inversion.  Point Mutation is a single base pair change.  Insertion is the addition of another base pair.  Gene copy number is duplication of certain genes that happen during cell division.  Deletion is the absence of a base pair in genes.  Inversion is when a chromosome is flipped around.  
4. What is evo-devo? 

It is a sub-study of evolutionary biology where developmental genes are more closely examined and how they play a role in evolution.
5. Make a connection between human migration and the mutation of lactose intolerance.

Humans in America, Africa, and Europe were the only ones who after they grew up continued to use animal's milk for sustenance.  This is why people in other parts of the world are more likely to be lactose intolerant.  

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