Saturday, December 7, 2013

Even More Genetics! and Pedigrees

In this class we delved even further into the topic of genetics, this time looking at pedigree's and how dominant genes work together, such as AaBb.  So first of all, how they work together, is when in the genes their is too dominant alleles, like in AaBb, then their can be a co-dominance.  In pheontypic terms, it could be a brown cow with white spots.  Both of the dominant traits for color will show up.  If the genes were Aabb though, the cow would be all brown.  It only takes one dominant gene to over ride the recessive traits.  On to pedigrees, these are family trees that put into picture what punnett squares do for us in genetics.  Their is seperate symbols for male: carrier, deceased, etc., female: carrier, deceased, pregnant, etc., and even unspecified gender for pregnancy.  So with these you then have the ability to make a detailed family trees which show the traits being passed on through many generations of breeding.

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