Thursday, April 17, 2014

Biome Project

My Own Biome Project
          In this project everyone was given a different biome to research and present. I was assigned the temperate forest to research. Naturally, I planned a very extravagant and costly trip to the eastern United States for a year to observe the forest and "become one with nature." In this time I learned a lot about this biome that I would like to share with you if you are considering visiting a temperate forest in the near future. Let's start with the abiotic factors of this environment. Temperate forests are heavily affected by the changing of the seasons. This means that trees and plants will lose their leaves in the fall and re-bloom in spring.  This means there is a top layer of soil that is fairly rich.  However, the soil quality is usually rocky and sandy especially beneath this first layer.  This biome gets a decent amount of rain (40-150 inches per year) and in harsh weather it can even snow during the winter.  The temperature varies because of these seasonal climates but the summers get very warm followed by cool winters.  Unlike the tropical forests of the world temperate forests do not have all the light absorbed by a top canopy of trees.  Although the trees in this biome are often large leafed they do not blot out the sunlight and the forest floor booms with plant life.  This allows for very good shelter for animals in the temperate forest. While birds nest in the many tall trees bears and other animals can burrow in dead trees, brush, and in caves.
High School Earth Science/Soils

          This brings us to the biotic factors of the temperate forest. In the way of plants there are many tall growing trees like sequoias and pines. During the sunny seasons the floor of the forest is lush with a wide array of shrubbery and other plant life. With many places to hide this starts a long food chain with small animals like mice that are prey to larger birds, snakes, and small mammals. Grazing animals like deer are prey to hunters like larger felines, canines, and bears.  The moist and warm variation in this biome lets a large population of decomposers thrive: mushrooms.

          An important animal to remember on the food chain of this biome is the human.  Human started fires can happen easily in this biome with all the dead brush from winter that remains until it is decomposed. Humans also use this biome quite often to get lumber and wood for paper.

          To survive in the temperate forest organisms must adapt just like in any other survival situation.  What is unique about this forest is that they must be prepared for the climate changing throughout the year. In plants, most trees have much larger leaves in the forest so that they can absorb more light and water to store for growth and energy. This is because they do not get these things year round.  Certain animals have a very unique adaption to survive the differing seasons. Bears go into hibernation for the winter because they can not go out hunting or gathering if their is snow on the ground.  Micro organisms are adapted for this environment because a lot of the bacteria that can be found in decomposing plant material does not need much more than oxygen and a food source to live.  

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